
We are in business since almost 30 years. Our experience derives from various projects with distinguished complexities across several cultures and in different roles.

Leadership experience

In all the diverse roles and responsibilities in

  • project or team development,
  • organizational or enterprise transformation initiatives,
  • departmental or enterprise management or
  • executive leadership roles

the engagement of employees was success factor number one! Success was always based on:

  • transparent communication about strategies and goals,
  • clarity about governance and management systems and
  • doing the right things the right way.



Geographical Experience

Misunderstanding different cultures and systems might lead to counter-productivity ending in less efficiency, less productivity or in worst case a loss of business or investments.

Our leadership experience gained across different initiatives in different countries helps to understand cultural differences and creating an atmosphere that empowers employees, respects local values and achieves best in class results. Our proven and applied methodology:

  • Analyze cultural differences
  • Develop competence requirements
  • Analyze power grids amongst different cultures within the organization

Provide tools to enhance day-to-day operation for both, managers and employees